The first year...


"I love how much work I have to do to keep up with the blog posts. It's no easy task, but it takes time and effort, which can be seen in my writing. Without this blog to write about my research, I would never get back into blogging."

When I first began at CIIS, I was a graduate student in the Ecopsychology program. Motivated by my future as a therapist, and with a strong passion for social justice issues, I decided to do research on psychedelic medicine. The reason for this decision is that there has been substantial anecdotal evidence about its benefits as both treatments and prevention of mental health problems. My main question was how these substances can be used clinically to provide people with an expanded range of experience without the risk of death or addiction from overuse. In order to answer this question, it would be necessary to look at all relevant studies about psychedelics—and even more importantly where they’re being administered--to see what sort of clinical effects these

With that said, it's been a long time since I posted. As an ecopsychologist, my life is about taking care of myself and my clients, so it was difficult to find the time to blog for this semester. I'm sorry if you missed me!

Now that school is over for the first year of my Ph.D., I have a big summer ahead of me with the summer semester! Hope to be writing more here soon!



The Consciousness of Art Seen While Traveling


IES Deep Conversations–January 26, 2021