Coming back to the blog post, Ph.D. exams! family! 🎉 I'm ecstatic to announce that I have finally completed my Ph.D. exams and am back in action on the blog! Thank you for your patience and support during my educational journey. I couldn't have done it without you! 🙌

Since we last connected, a lot has happened in the psychedelics and consciousness research world. There have been groundbreaking studies, heated debates, and fascinating new developments. Today, I'm eager to dive in and share with you my newfound freedom to research—one of my greatest passions—the intersectionality of Psychedelics and Unitive Consciousness! 🧠✨

We've discussed the connection between psychedelics and Unitive Consciousness on this blog, but there's a whole new world of intriguing research to explore. One area that has gained significant attention lately is non-ordinary states of consciousness or NOSCs. These altered states, often accessed through meditation or the use of psychedelic substances, open up exciting possibilities for personal growth and self-discovery. 🔍

New research suggests that NOSCs can lead to a better understanding of the human mind and its limitless potential, sparking discussions about the role of psychedelics in mental health treatment. Furthermore, researchers are increasingly exploring nonlinear approaches to studying consciousness, moving beyond traditional frameworks and assumptions.

Have any of you experienced NOSCs through meditation or psychedelics, and how have they affected your understanding of consciousness? Share your thoughts in the comments below! 👇

In the coming weeks, we'll dive deep into this expansive world of Psychedelics and Unitive Consciousness, exploring the nonlinear approaches that pave the way for extraordinary discoveries. 🚀

I'm thrilled to be back and can't wait to delve into these fascinating topics with you. Stay tuned for more enlightening and thought-provoking discussions right here on There's so much more to come! 🌟

In the meantime, I'd love to hear about your experiences, insights, and questions about psychedelics and consciousness. Feel free to leave a comment below, and let's keep the conversation going! 💬


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